Is it the distance between your misdeeds and your unrepentance? Is it the distance between what was and what could have been? Is it the distance between your first eye, and your third eye? Is it the distance between what you need and what you want? Is it the distance between your complicity and your ignorance? Is it the distance between your dreams and your expectations? Is it the shape of your heart at noon? When the shadow slants slightly left of your errors? When your sins are illuminated, and your prayers are publicized? When your foot is hungry
and your belly is fed? When your ambition is punitive and your temple is worn? Is it the perimeter of your discomfort? Is it the circumference of your muscular worries? Is it the volume of your canned vicissitudes? Is it a poorly executed film of your future? Is it a torn painting of your past? Is it the conflict between your environment and your biology? Is it the cry-out-loud Mongolian rhythm? Is it the dine-me-not Peruvian schism? Is it the Lebanese condiment on a Canadian prism? Is it the subtractions of your hopes, and the summations of your mind’s prison? What the heck is it? What the heck is pain?